Monday, February 18, 2008

Did you find this one?


Long blog posted earlier.

I didn't realize it was so long. Which is really kind of stupid, since it was something like 12 pages as a single-spaced Word document. I, however, tend to be kind of stupid that way. Oh well.

Anyway... I should blog now, shouldn't I? That's kind of the point. Right? I'm kind of new to this.

Topic, topic, topic... Herein lies the problem of starting a blog without a definite topic in mind. You get to the blog, and there is nothing to write about. I guess I will therefore take the easy cop-out and write about something in my life today.

Unfortunately, I have just realized that I didn't do anything interesting today. Humph. That sucks. So I guess I'll just make up a story instead.

Once upon a time, there was a Twinkie. It was a lovely Little Twinkie -- yellow as the Sun at midday, as symmetrical as you like, texture like the best in packing foam. Yes, the Little Twinkie had it all.

But this Little Twinkie wanted more. It saw the other snack cakes in the factory, and it began to feel the growing specter of jealousy arising in its creamy bosom. "Why can't I have a curly line of icing across my top?" the Little Twinkie asked. "What flavor is yellow?"

These questions consumed the Little Twinkie. Its turmoil disturbed the other Twinkies, who wisely knew that only hungry schoolchildren should consume Twinkies. After awhile, the Twinkies came to a sad decision. The Little Twinkie had to go. So the older Twinkies bade farewell to their young friend, packing it off with a handy cellophane wrapper for protection. The Little Twinkie got into the truck with a feeling of exhilaration -- it was going to find answers!

Time passed. The Little Twinkie didn't know how much time, sitting alone in the back of a dark truck. But the Little Twinkie knew that answers would soon be coming. When light once again entered into the Little Twinkie's world, its hope flared up. The Little Twinkie soon found itself in a well-lit building, surrounded by a bewildering variety of snack cakes and candies.

Often, people passed by. Some of them even stopped to visit with the Little Twinkie, but none of them stayed long enough for the Little Twinkie to get its questions answered.

Then, one day, a small boy came to the Little Twinkie. After considering the Little Twinkie for a short time, the boy carried the Little Twinkie away. "At last!" thought the Little Twinkie. "This boy can answer my questions!"

The boy and the Little Twinkie went together for lunch on the very next day. When the boy pulled the Little Twinkie out of his bag, the Little Twinkie said, "Boy! Do you know why I don't have a squiggly white line across my top? And what flavor is yellow?"

The boy looked at the Little Twinkie. "I dunno," he said.

And then he ate the Little Twinkie.

The End

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Then it's true. Life is nasty, brutish, and short.